Monday 6 March 2017

Coming down the mountain- analyse disability

Coming down the Mountain

The camera looks down at Ben to make the audience feel like they have power over him. This poetry's him as weak. I believe this is because he has a disability which makes it look like just because he has a disability that he is a weak character. This is because the stereotype of someone of with  a disability is weak and unable to be a powerful character and needs someone to look after him.

Ben gives his brother power over him by also look up at him and agreeing with him. The camera angle also looks up at him which makes him look like he has power over him. This is empathising the idea that Ben needs someone to look after him and make deacins for him. This furthers the point that because he has a disability he is weak and unable to make descions or live without someone to make his choices for him.


The transitions to look at Ben are slow. This is to show that it takes time to catch up with what is going on. This is to show that Ben takes time to catch up with what is going on. This is to further the the of porting his disability as meaning Ben is then unable  to keep up with what is going on.

Transitions are simple to show how even basic living is different when having down syndrome. This is used to show that even basic things like looking from one person to anther could be difficult. I believe this is showing us that Ben is conforming to the stereotype of someone with down syndrome. I think that the simple transitions also show us how simple Ben's life has to be to make sure he understands what is going on. I also believe that the simple transitions are used to show the audience how black and white a person's life with down syndrome is and that they stereotypical cope with complicated or different changes in they lives.

Mise en scene 

The opening shot is a bird eyes shot of the boys room. This shows Ben's side of the room as littered with toys that are brightly coloured. I believe they use bright colours to show Ben's mental age. I believe this as young child like brightly coloured toys as it excites them. I believe this shot is conforming to the stereotype of a person with down syndrome it also shows the audience that they is something different with one of the characters without seeing him or hearing them speak.

Ben is holding is rucksack as if it was a teddy. This could be that he always needs some kind of comfort. It could also be to highlight the fact that he is not normal as it is not on his back or on his shoulder like most people would wear it. This could be to show that he doesn't really blend into a normal society. I believe it is done to show the audience that because he has a disablitly he can not act like a normal member of society not matter how simple that way is like the way of carrying his bag.


The music throughout the clip was very childish due to lack of words or meaning in the sound. I believe this is done to show that his what Ben would listen to due to his disability he is unable to understand the music other people his age would listen to. This could be to show the audience that because he has a disablilty he can not act like a normal child his age due to his lack of understanding.

The music is quite a simple beat. I believe this is done to empathises the point that Ben is not as mentally capable as other people his own age due to his disability. I believe that the music was used to give the aduience a negative opion on Ben and only see his disability as the music used does not help give any of his personality and only represents his disability not him as a person. 

1 comment:

  1. You focus well on disability Charlotte, and I like the use of your personal opinion
    - You need to be really specific about the examples you use; when do we look down on Ben etc?
    - Really focus on using media terminology - 10 marks available for this!
