Saturday 1 April 2017

digital technolgy essay

Digital technology is a key component to the suesses of the film. In production digital technology is important as it means that more advince film expernice. An example of this is the motion capture used in Jurassic World and the 4k camrea used in Star wars Rouge One this means the audience can feel more part of the film. For marketing digital technolgy is really important as it can make or break the film. One way digital technolgy used is viral campaigns like Stars Wars using the Great Wall of China to show its trailers. Another is using interactive websites and apps. Examples of this is the Jurassic world website which made it look like you where booking a stay at the resort. Finally digtial technolgy is used in consumption as it means they are more ways to view the film. Examples of these include DVD and Online streaming sevices like netfilex. 

I am looking at film. I am going to look at how digital technology is used in the different stages of the film process. This includes things like production and distribution. I will be looking at how different film use digital technology to make audience want to see their film.

In production digital technology is important as it means that more advince film expernice. An example of this is the motion capture used in Jurassic World and the 4k camrea used in Star wars Rouge One this means the audience can feel more part of the film. The use of more and more diffferent digital technologies means that films can create different characters and scenes to enterate the aduince. An example of this is the use of green and blue screens which means actors can shot in different locations like space without having to go there meaning it is made possible to film stories that have locations that are not possible to film in. In inderependent films production films different technolgy is used. It is normally lower bugdet meaning some techlongy cant be used due to lack of funds.However they can still make good films like tangerine as it was filmed and edited on an I phone.

For marketing digital technolgy is really important as it can make or break the film. One way digital technolgy used is viral campaigns like Stars Wars using the Great Wall of China to show its trailers. Another is using interactive websites and apps. Examples of this is the Jurassic world website which made it look like you where booking a stay at the resort. Finally there is the use of trailers to show the film off. Most trailers are now put on to social media which means below the line avidtising can be used by people sharing trailers and there opions which can really help market a film.

Finally digtial technolgy is used in consumption as it means they are more ways to view the film. Examples of these include DVD and Online streaming sevices like netfilex. Exhibition is how a film is first seen. Examples of this is how it is seen in the cinema for example 4D and IMax. Exchange is normally how the film is then shown after cinema reale like DVD or online streaming. This also shows the difference between blockbusters and inderepedent films asd most blockbuster will have a cinema realease in mainstream cinemas like oden. Compared to Inderpendent films which often go staight to DVD or possiblly indperdepent cinmeas like Everyman. In inderependent films production films different technolgy is used. It is normally lower bugdet meaning some techlongy cant be used due to lack of funds.However they can still make good films like tangerine as it was filmed and edited on an I phone.

Exchange is the way people can watch the films. Blockbusters oftern have l0ots of different ways to watch the film. As most will have a cinema realse be on DVD, Bllue Ray and Ultra voliet. These films are also often on things like sky store and virgin movies after a while. This is different to inderependent films which often don't have as many ways to wacth the film. IT could have a limited film reasles in an inderpent film like in Everyman. It may be then go onto DVD or have gone stright to DVD. This is also often put quicker onto online streaming sites like netfilex.

Digital Technolgy has really helped the film indudtry stay and big industry. However there are many postive and negitives to digital technolgy. Some of the postive impacts is that it can be viewed in more ways than ever before and by more people. It also can help create different marketing campigns which can mean a wider audience can see it without having to spend as much money. The use of social media has helped below the line aviderising which means marketing can be used without the company having to spend any money. On the other hand the negetive is the use of piracy which means it is now easier to watch film illegally and without helping pay thre idustry which could stop the use of different technolgy due to lack of funding which could lead the film industry to loss buissenss and money. 

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