Wednesday 29 March 2017

Cutting it Essay

Mise en sense

In this clip the man is wearing smart clothes. This can show the audience that he is a strong and powerful character. This is because the suit makes him look smart and in a potion of power. This works with the stereotype of a man being more powerful and infuncaale than a women. This makes me feel as if the man will have more power in the scene.

The women's clothes in the clip are delicate. I believe this is done to  make it clear to the audience that she is meant to look like the weaker character. This is because the clothes are opposite to the mans clothes which are powerful hers make her look like she is weak. This plays to the audience stereotype of a women being weaker than a man. The clothes also make her look a bit naïve due to them being pink and fragile looking.

Also n the taxi scene the mans body language makes him appear to have power over the women due to the way his arm over the women. This makes the women look like she needs support from the man. This is a perfect stereotype of where the man is more powerful than the women. I believe this is done by the director to make the audience feel that the man is the one with power in the shot.


In the opening shot it is a the producer used a two shot. This makes the man and women in the scene look equal and united. This is a counter stereotype as it the man and women are equal compared to the man having more power. This makes the audience see the people as equal and doesn't give them any indication of who is going to have the power in the scene.  I believe this is done to create interest as most people would like to see has the most power in story as that is what is expected.

Later on when the women is in the doctors a bird eyes shot is used. This shows a male doctor with lots on his dick and the women with nothing. This makes the doctor to work to the stereotype of a man have a more powerful important job. It could also show that he is guarded, which is another stereotype. Compare to the women who is complete open and hiding nothing. I believe this is done to reinforce peoples stereotypes of the way men and women show their emotions.

Later on when the crash has happened and the man is running towards his wife a shaky camera is used.  I believe this is used to create a counter stereotype of the man to make the audience empathise with him. This is a counter stereotype of a normal male who doesn't really show emotion for the audience to empathise with.

The final shot is a birds eye view where it also makes the man and women equals to the audience. I believe this is don't to make the audience think that went it gets down to it men and women are equal. I believe this shot is the last scene bring it home that men do have feelings and can be seen as weak but it doesn't make them any less of a man. I believe this camera angle was used to really show men and women are equal it just situation and the society that make people act to he stereotypes.


The women when they get to the hospital tells the man to "wait here for me". I believe this is done to give the women power over the man in the shot breaking the stereotype of what could have happen in this scene. I believe this shows the audience that women can have power over men and make them question what the believe to be the stereotype. I believe this was written by the script writer to show the audience that women can have power that isn't just given to them by men.

However the music playing when the women is in the Doctors because it is sad makes us pity her. I believe this is done to make the women look weak compared to the man. the audience I think should feel sorry for the woman however see her as a stereotypically weak women in contrast to a strong, powerful and unemotional man.

Once the women is hit by the car the sound goes silent. I believe this is done to show that the man has just realised his lack of power over the situation and the women. I believe this done to make the audience think  men and women can have power however they are equal. This is a counter stereotype to men having power and women being weak.


In the first scene in the taxi the editing mean we had straight cuts between the man and the women. I believe the editors did this to show separation behind the man and women. I believe this could have been done to show the differences between the man and women. I believe this is done to show the audience even through a man and women are close physically there are separated by intercalate and emotionally.  I believe this is also done so the audience can make their own option about each character without seeing how they act in terms of body lanague to each other.

 Later in the clip the women is in the doctors the editors use cross cutting. I believe this is done to show the opposites as the women is upset where as the man is happy and blissfully unaware of what is going in the hospital. This also shows what is happening at the same time in two different places. I this is done to show the audience how people who are close geographically can live such a different experience. This could also be done to show the difference between how men and women show and deal with their emotions.

At the end of the doctors shot the editing was eclipse. This means the results of her doctors apporment was not shown. I believe this is done to mean we have to wait until she tells her husband her result. This means the editors are giving the power to the women which is a counter stereotype as women are seen as weak. I believe this is also done to mean that the women and the doctor are equals as they both know the same information which makes them equals which breaks the stereotypes of gender.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Charlotte. You have some solid ideas and focus well on stereotypes of gender.
    - Try to vary your examples a little. You talk about costume twice - go for 4 different areas of Mise En Scene if you can.
    - Your use of terminology is generally good, but take every opportunity to use it. Don't just name the shot; think about framing, size etc also.
    - Occasionally your analysis is a little over-simplified. Try to explore more complex ideas.
