Friday 28 April 2017

Sherlock essay

Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of gender.
In this clip of Sherlock there is many different ways gender is shown.

The camera help gives us some clues about how the director wanted to show gender in this clip. It opens using a hand held camera. I believe this is done to show that they is a lack of power in this shot from either gender. I believe this is done as the hand held camera was used for showing both the women and men in the scene. I think this shows in this shot that neither men or women have any power over each other and that they are equal. However, the camera tends to pan towards the man at the front. This makes him seem as if he has more power or knowledge compared to everyone in the room. I believe this because he is given the most screen time which gives him a powerful look. I believe this shows gender as it is a traditional scene that a man is more knowledgeable. When we first meet Sherlock the camera is giving us an eye line shot however it is still looking up at Sherlock. It is also a one shot. This makes him look powerful and knowledgeable look because as a audience we have to focus on him. I believe this shows gender as males being more powerful because a man is doing work without help. This enforces the stereotype that a man is the main worker and a woman may help but can’t do the work without a man’s help. Later in this scene Sherlock is working on the body however the women in the scene the camera pans up to see her behind glass watching Sherlock doing the work. I believe this is done to show that when have to do the work and women can just watch. This shows that men seem to be the stronger and more powerful gender in scene.

Sound also helps show the audience how gender is being poetryied.  It starts with in the opening shot the non diagetic music was very tense and over powered the women in the scene. I believe this is down to make the women look weak as the even the music had more of a prense in the shot than her and she was the only character. I believe this is done to show that women are weak and powerless. This is a complety opposite in the next shot where the women whispers “that’s the daily mail” she tells this to the man as he makes a mess of answering a question. I believe this is done to show that as a gender women don’t have as loud as voice however they can have important information to help men. The represtation of gender in this is that women are powerful however seem to hid behind a male figure. I believe this is done to play to the audience’s stereotype that a man has more power in a scene however needs a woman to help him. Later in the clip the non diagetic music that plays when Sherlock is hitting the dead man shows medieval. I believe this is done also to make fun of how in this clip Sherlock is acting almost medieval where a man is always trying to become an alpha male.  I believe this shows gender as a man always fighting for power from each other. He when later speaks to the women and the first thing he say is “you weren’t wearing make-up earlier”. This makes the women almost look shallow as she has to put on make up to talk to a man. I believe this was said as the first thing because it makes Sherlock seem as he is looking at her physically before he hears her speak. I believe this is done to play the audiences stereotype that men see women as objects before they see the person behind the looks.

Editing also helps show the audience about gender. This starts when the straight cuts are used in the beginning of the questioning shot. I think this is done to show that there is no one in power as it is done quickly to show no one can keep the power of the room. However, it does cut to mostly males which could show that even with no true power in the scene the men are still more in control than the women. The editors also use wipe transitions being the police officer and the male reporters. This could be because as the wipe happens that is the loss of power from one person to enough. However, the editors only use the wipe transitions between two men which could show a power struggle between men. This could be related to the stereotype that a man wants to be an alpha male. Also the editors use a superimposition when the text from Sherlock comes through saying wrong. This is shown from both males and females phones. I believe this is done to show that no gender in this scene has more power as they is someone else with more power and knowledge. The scene while using the hand held camera it goes in and out of black fades as it goes behind people. I think this is done to show that there are gaps in the man’s knowledge which to the audience can take away from his power in the scene. This could show gender as that men are slowly losing power over women as there is information that they don’t know.

Mise en scene also adds to how gender is shown in this clip. In the questioning scene both the man and women are on the stage answering questions. This makes them look equal in the scene as the man and women look equal power in the scene. This is a positive representation of gender as it shows them as equal with no one having more power than each other as they are both placed high up. However, this is slightly lost through the use of the props as the women only has 1 microphone where as the man has 2 microphones. This makes it seem as the man is heard more and the women is less powerful and important. This is because the make has twice the coverage on what he is saying compared to the women. However, when we first see Watson we see his walking stick first. This breaks the stereotype that men are powerful as we see his injury before we see him as a person. This is a counter stereotype for the audience as it defines Watson by his disability and not his gender.  Finally, when we see Sherlock it is him and a woman in the lab both at work. This shows this as equal to each other as there are both working in a hard work environment. This shows the audience about gender as that women are starting to work in the same jobs as men and are equalling out the power.  

Thursday 20 April 2017

How does media ownership have an impact on successful distribution of media products in the media area that you have studied.

How does media ownership have an impact on successful distribution of media products in the media area that you have studied.

 I am looking at film and how successful distribution is easier based on the amount of media ownership the companies have. Disney is one of the largest media conglomerate with subsidiaries like pixar. Disney produces high budget budget hollywood movies. It is part of the oligopoly of the big 6, allowing it great power in the film industry.

One of it biggest movies is "Finding Dory" which had a production budget of $200 million allowing it to be a massive tentpole movie. Disney were certain this film would create enough to create other smaller budget films. Due to the size of the company, Disney could distribute the film in the UK and the USA by themselves. With the amazing marketing of the film "Finding Dory"  made a profit of $2 billion. They used social media and had their stars promote the film on their soical media. However they did have a facebook, twitter and You tube page where they realsed pictures and clips of the film to create hype. There main way of promoting their film was with their star Ellen Degenerous who talk about it on her show and how companies. They also had toys reasled and worked with Mc Donald's and made toys for their happy meals to promote the film to a younger audience. Finding Dory was released in 3D as it means it is harder film. This is Disney's way of trying to deal with the rising problem of piracy.

Studiocannel is a British inderpendent film that prodducing commerical films for a wider audience and trys to emulate a Hollywood sturture. It released a film called "Fast Girls" in 2012. it was directed by Regan Hall an upcoming British director. This is a big contrast to the well know directors of "Finding Dory" Andrew Stanton and Angus Maclane. There production budget is believed to be small however hard to fing. IT did means "Fast Girls was distributed by AGIES in the Uk. They had a different approach to marketing as it was set in London they used the hype of the 2012 Olympics to get people to see the film. This created some hype as people believed it was almost seeing behind the scenes of what happens to Olympic althetes have to go through. It did have a small cinema release in main stream cinemas like Oden for around 2 weeks. However it was only released in the UK.  It did have a profit of $1.11 million in the box office. This is compared to Finding Dory that was released in around 36 countries with a showing of around 2 mouths in the cinema as well as in many more cinemas. Disney makes many more films than studio cannel.

Moon sprun films created a film called Selfish Giant in 2013 that had its hype created by film festival. This meant minimal marketing was done and relpy on the reviews from the film festival reviews.  It had a DVD realese and had a mimuam susses however was  nomitated for awards.

Media ownership has a massive impact on successful distribution of film, making it impossible for small companies such as stuido cannel and Moon sprun  to compete with the big 6 like Disney. Distributing films for studio cannel and Moon sprun relies healivly on DVD sales rather than just cinema reales.With the constant rise of privarcy, this makes it increastly difficult for companies to make money due to lack of demand in cineamas. However, its clear Studio cannel is trying to catch up with Disney as they try to distrubre their films to bigger cinema audience.

Thursday 6 April 2017

Task 10 distribution

·         Intro what is film distribution?

        Film distribution is the way of making a movie accessible to its audience.

·         What is the distributor's role?

      The role of a distributor is to make the film easier available to its target audience and       possible more as well as raise the profile of the film they are making available.

·         What's a distribution plan?

This is the plan on how a film is going to attract its target audience.  For example this could be where they trailer is released either on TV or social media first.

·         What's a P + A budget?

The budget is the sum of money allocated for a certain reason and the breakdown of known costs along with ways for how to keep them.

·         What is the average distribution cost for a big six film?

       It normally would cost a big 6 film between 100 to 200 million dollars to distribute.

·         What does the distribution budget include?

A budget is normally split into four sections: above the line, below the line , post-production (editing, visual effects, etc.), and other cost e.g. insurance. Financing a film can be gain from different sources. Examples of these are from a private investor, sponsor, product placement, film studio, entertainment company.

·         What is a simultaneous release?

This is where a film is release in more than one way at once. For example, it could be released in to cinema an DVD on the same day.

·         What are some main distribution companies?

20th Century Fox, Walt Disney Pictures, Sony Pictures, Universal Studios, Paramount and Warner Bros. Studios.

·         What do you think is the link between audiences and distribution?

This link between the audience and distribution is how the film is distributed. E.g. for a teenage audience using social media would be the best way to promote the film. In comparison, a young children’s film could be on children’s TV channels as that is where they are more likely to find put about it.

·         Define target market audience? What's audience positioning? 

A target audience is who the film is aim at and who is most likely to want to watch it.  Audience positioning is the way a film is view by a group for example women.

·         Why is the release date crucial?

A release date is critical as it can affect how much of your target audience will see the film. For example, a big children’s blockbuster released in the middle of term time will properly do worse than one released in a holiday. This is because the target audience has more time to watch the film or are looking for something to do so more likely to see the film.

·         What is self distribution?

Self distribution is where a director distributes it themselves without the use of a distribution company.

Saturday 1 April 2017

digital technolgy essay

Digital technology is a key component to the suesses of the film. In production digital technology is important as it means that more advince film expernice. An example of this is the motion capture used in Jurassic World and the 4k camrea used in Star wars Rouge One this means the audience can feel more part of the film. For marketing digital technolgy is really important as it can make or break the film. One way digital technolgy used is viral campaigns like Stars Wars using the Great Wall of China to show its trailers. Another is using interactive websites and apps. Examples of this is the Jurassic world website which made it look like you where booking a stay at the resort. Finally digtial technolgy is used in consumption as it means they are more ways to view the film. Examples of these include DVD and Online streaming sevices like netfilex. 

I am looking at film. I am going to look at how digital technology is used in the different stages of the film process. This includes things like production and distribution. I will be looking at how different film use digital technology to make audience want to see their film.

In production digital technology is important as it means that more advince film expernice. An example of this is the motion capture used in Jurassic World and the 4k camrea used in Star wars Rouge One this means the audience can feel more part of the film. The use of more and more diffferent digital technologies means that films can create different characters and scenes to enterate the aduince. An example of this is the use of green and blue screens which means actors can shot in different locations like space without having to go there meaning it is made possible to film stories that have locations that are not possible to film in. In inderependent films production films different technolgy is used. It is normally lower bugdet meaning some techlongy cant be used due to lack of funds.However they can still make good films like tangerine as it was filmed and edited on an I phone.

For marketing digital technolgy is really important as it can make or break the film. One way digital technolgy used is viral campaigns like Stars Wars using the Great Wall of China to show its trailers. Another is using interactive websites and apps. Examples of this is the Jurassic world website which made it look like you where booking a stay at the resort. Finally there is the use of trailers to show the film off. Most trailers are now put on to social media which means below the line avidtising can be used by people sharing trailers and there opions which can really help market a film.

Finally digtial technolgy is used in consumption as it means they are more ways to view the film. Examples of these include DVD and Online streaming sevices like netfilex. Exhibition is how a film is first seen. Examples of this is how it is seen in the cinema for example 4D and IMax. Exchange is normally how the film is then shown after cinema reale like DVD or online streaming. This also shows the difference between blockbusters and inderepedent films asd most blockbuster will have a cinema realease in mainstream cinemas like oden. Compared to Inderpendent films which often go staight to DVD or possiblly indperdepent cinmeas like Everyman. In inderependent films production films different technolgy is used. It is normally lower bugdet meaning some techlongy cant be used due to lack of funds.However they can still make good films like tangerine as it was filmed and edited on an I phone.

Exchange is the way people can watch the films. Blockbusters oftern have l0ots of different ways to watch the film. As most will have a cinema realse be on DVD, Bllue Ray and Ultra voliet. These films are also often on things like sky store and virgin movies after a while. This is different to inderependent films which often don't have as many ways to wacth the film. IT could have a limited film reasles in an inderpent film like in Everyman. It may be then go onto DVD or have gone stright to DVD. This is also often put quicker onto online streaming sites like netfilex.

Digital Technolgy has really helped the film indudtry stay and big industry. However there are many postive and negitives to digital technolgy. Some of the postive impacts is that it can be viewed in more ways than ever before and by more people. It also can help create different marketing campigns which can mean a wider audience can see it without having to spend as much money. The use of social media has helped below the line aviderising which means marketing can be used without the company having to spend any money. On the other hand the negetive is the use of piracy which means it is now easier to watch film illegally and without helping pay thre idustry which could stop the use of different technolgy due to lack of funding which could lead the film industry to loss buissenss and money. 

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Cutting it Essay

Mise en sense

In this clip the man is wearing smart clothes. This can show the audience that he is a strong and powerful character. This is because the suit makes him look smart and in a potion of power. This works with the stereotype of a man being more powerful and infuncaale than a women. This makes me feel as if the man will have more power in the scene.

The women's clothes in the clip are delicate. I believe this is done to  make it clear to the audience that she is meant to look like the weaker character. This is because the clothes are opposite to the mans clothes which are powerful hers make her look like she is weak. This plays to the audience stereotype of a women being weaker than a man. The clothes also make her look a bit naïve due to them being pink and fragile looking.

Also n the taxi scene the mans body language makes him appear to have power over the women due to the way his arm over the women. This makes the women look like she needs support from the man. This is a perfect stereotype of where the man is more powerful than the women. I believe this is done by the director to make the audience feel that the man is the one with power in the shot.


In the opening shot it is a the producer used a two shot. This makes the man and women in the scene look equal and united. This is a counter stereotype as it the man and women are equal compared to the man having more power. This makes the audience see the people as equal and doesn't give them any indication of who is going to have the power in the scene.  I believe this is done to create interest as most people would like to see has the most power in story as that is what is expected.

Later on when the women is in the doctors a bird eyes shot is used. This shows a male doctor with lots on his dick and the women with nothing. This makes the doctor to work to the stereotype of a man have a more powerful important job. It could also show that he is guarded, which is another stereotype. Compare to the women who is complete open and hiding nothing. I believe this is done to reinforce peoples stereotypes of the way men and women show their emotions.

Later on when the crash has happened and the man is running towards his wife a shaky camera is used.  I believe this is used to create a counter stereotype of the man to make the audience empathise with him. This is a counter stereotype of a normal male who doesn't really show emotion for the audience to empathise with.

The final shot is a birds eye view where it also makes the man and women equals to the audience. I believe this is don't to make the audience think that went it gets down to it men and women are equal. I believe this shot is the last scene bring it home that men do have feelings and can be seen as weak but it doesn't make them any less of a man. I believe this camera angle was used to really show men and women are equal it just situation and the society that make people act to he stereotypes.


The women when they get to the hospital tells the man to "wait here for me". I believe this is done to give the women power over the man in the shot breaking the stereotype of what could have happen in this scene. I believe this shows the audience that women can have power over men and make them question what the believe to be the stereotype. I believe this was written by the script writer to show the audience that women can have power that isn't just given to them by men.

However the music playing when the women is in the Doctors because it is sad makes us pity her. I believe this is done to make the women look weak compared to the man. the audience I think should feel sorry for the woman however see her as a stereotypically weak women in contrast to a strong, powerful and unemotional man.

Once the women is hit by the car the sound goes silent. I believe this is done to show that the man has just realised his lack of power over the situation and the women. I believe this done to make the audience think  men and women can have power however they are equal. This is a counter stereotype to men having power and women being weak.


In the first scene in the taxi the editing mean we had straight cuts between the man and the women. I believe the editors did this to show separation behind the man and women. I believe this could have been done to show the differences between the man and women. I believe this is done to show the audience even through a man and women are close physically there are separated by intercalate and emotionally.  I believe this is also done so the audience can make their own option about each character without seeing how they act in terms of body lanague to each other.

 Later in the clip the women is in the doctors the editors use cross cutting. I believe this is done to show the opposites as the women is upset where as the man is happy and blissfully unaware of what is going in the hospital. This also shows what is happening at the same time in two different places. I this is done to show the audience how people who are close geographically can live such a different experience. This could also be done to show the difference between how men and women show and deal with their emotions.

At the end of the doctors shot the editing was eclipse. This means the results of her doctors apporment was not shown. I believe this is done to mean we have to wait until she tells her husband her result. This means the editors are giving the power to the women which is a counter stereotype as women are seen as weak. I believe this is also done to mean that the women and the doctor are equals as they both know the same information which makes them equals which breaks the stereotypes of gender.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Task 9 terminology

  1. Mainstream film/ mainstream cinema= A film or company that a large number of people use and enjoy. For example Deadpool at Odeon.
  2. Inderpendent film/Inderpendent cinema = This is a film that normally doesn't have as big as budget as a mainstream film with a smaller target odeon. An  example of this inderependent cinema is a cinema that will show films with a smaller target audience. An example of this would be seeing Moonlight at a everyman.  
  3. Production= This is the making film. Using special effects in jussric world. 
  4. Distribution = This is where the companies try and sell their films to the cinemas. An example of this is beauty and the beast going to the odeon. 
  5. Marketing=  This is how the film is promoted and sold to the audience before the film is relesed. An example of this is Billboards and traillers for Deadpool
  6. Exchange The swapping of different products. This could be the copyrighting of marvel characters
  7. Multinational Conglomerate Is a company that owns large numbers of companies in various mass media such as television, radio, publishing, movies, and the Internet. For example Sony
  8. Monopoly A company that owns most of one part of the market. An example of this is Disney
  9. Oligopoly Is a market structure in which a small number of firms has the large majority of market share. An example of this is the big six
  10. Name the Big Six (bonus question % of box office takings?) Warner Bros. Pictures, 20th Century Fox, Paramount Pictures, Universal Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment ,Walt Disney Studios
  11. Horizontal Integration (also known as cross media ownership) Is where an organisation develops by buying up competitors in the same section of the market. An example of this would be 20th century fox buying fox searchlight.
  12. Vertical Integration Is when a Media Company owns different businesses in the same chain of production and distribution. This could be universal having production and distribution companies.
  13. Synergy Is where two or more companies work together. This could be Disney and universal working together to make a film like marvel.
  14. Merchandising It’s the making of products to do with a film. An example of this is lunchboxes with frozen characters on it.
  15. Ultra Violet is a cloud-based digital rights locker for movies and television shows that allows consumers to store proofs-of-purchase of licensed content in an account to enable playback on different devices using multiple applications from several different streaming services. This could be buying pitch perfect and having the DVD and having a code for an online copy as well.
  16. Above the Line This is where mass media is used to promote a product.. An example of this is a billboard
  17. Below the Line This is where promoting is done one on one. This is the use social media where people talk about something they have just watched.
  18. Technological Convergence/Cross media convergence refers to the process where new technology is moving towards single platforms delivering multiple media outputs that can be used to reach audiences. This could be the use of special effects like in avtar.
  19. Consumption Is the sum of information and entertainment media taken in by an individual or group. An example of this is this is the book offices takings and reviews for a film.
  20. Exhibition An exhibiting, showing, or presenting to view. Fr example seeing a film at the cinema.
  21. Piracy This is where a film is illegally filmed and sold.An example of this would be flming a film and then putting it up on you tube.
  22. Hollywood Franchise 4S Model Is a collection of related media in which several derivative works have been produced from an original creative work (usually that of fiction), such as a film, a work of literature, a television program or a video game. A media franchise is characterized by its components generally sharing a common fictional universe. For example the Harry Potter series.
  23. Tie-In Work is a work of fiction or other product based on a media property. An example of this could be making a video game out of a film.